You Can Take Advantage of Financial Services Virtually During COVID-19
You Can Take Advantage of Financial Services Virtually During COVID-19 Due to various laws and standards, most people have historically had to go into an accountant or CPA's office for a sit-down appointment to discuss most matters. However, as COVID-19 hit and shuttered businesses, these professionals were given legal latitude in almost every state to continue practicing virtually. Most states even allow full notarization to take place virtually now. If you're looking for a financial or money management service provider, now might be the time to do it. COVID-19 has certainly placed many hardships on working people and their families, but it has also demonstrated that many processes can be virtual. However, it is unclear how long these services will be available legally and virtually, so you'll need to strike when the iron is hot! Tax Preparation There have been online tax preparation services for uncomplicated tax returns for years. Some of these services even have a ...